One application for various needs around Singkawang City.Through Si Hebat, all members of the public can access the most up-to-date official information about Singkawang City.In addition, Si Hebat is also a complaint service portal and a place to find a lot of information ranging from popular destinations,to the culinary delights found in Singkawang City.Great FeaturesReportReport all problems and complaints about the city of Singkawang and monitor the progress of the solution via your cellphone.The placeProvides information about important and popular locations in Singkawang City.Important PhoneCall important numbers at an emergency.CulinaryIncrease your appetite with culinary offerings typical of the city of SingkawangProgramMake sure you will not miss the event that will be held in Singawang City.NewsLoading news related to OPD Singkawang city.Hoax BusterA place for finding the truth of information or clarifying and reporting hoaxes.